Faiza - Me and my Memories of You!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Lost Memories

She was hurt, badly. Not that she had met with an accident or something. It was her heart, it bled and the pain in her chest was enough to make death look beautiful. She tried to blink through her tears at the screen, trying to read his mail yet again for may be the thousandth time. “Things have changed and so have I. If we meet yet again, I would not be able to stop myself from getting further involved. Please understand me if you love me.” The last hope for her to see him one last time had gone with these words. Why did she have to be the understanding one always. Why did she have to sacrifice every time. And what does she need to understand? It was a short mail she had sent him after a long period of silence, asking him to meet, so that they may have a proper farewell. To see him, to feel him, to do all the things in those last moments that they had done for the last 1.5 years.A memory that she wanted to cherish, knowing that they would meet no more, and thereby give their love a formal burial. But he had really changed, he couldn’t give her a few moments of his changed life. She knew in her mind that he was doing the right thing. But her heart did not accept the logic. She missed him badly, his voice, his face, his eyes, his touch, his stupid yet too cute jokes, she missed him. You see he was the only friend she had whom she could share her thoughts without thinking. The relationship they shared was the most beautiful of all. A perfectly balanced relationship, she hated to call it love because love is such a limited term when she considered the connection between them. Yes, he had changed, moved way ahead in life, and there she was still in the truest meaning of the word “still” there, craving for him, missing him. She read the last sentence in the mail, “I love you”, and murmured I love you too. It has been almost more than a year and a half now, and she still reads the mail everyday as if it has arrived just today. ……to be contd. (Originally posted on Mar 21 2008 on
posted by Faiza at 11:33 PM


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