Faiza - Me and my Memories of You!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Silence of the hearts!
We have various pockets inside this vessel of ours, for the ones we love we have a larger space, for our friends we have some more large spaces, for general acquaintances small spaces…. when someone whom we barely know hurts us, the space get filled n closed, and we just push them away. when our loved ones offend us or hurt us, we forgive them easily, coz there is just too much space filled with love and affection hence the hurt gets absorbed in the huge space…..I always thought that there is no limit to this space and when we truly love someone we could not at any cost push them away from us…..but I was wrong….this is a limited space too and when the balance between love and lies gets disturbed, this space gets overfilled and even the smallest of lies or faintest of offenses spills the contents of this space, making it unbearable to hold them in your heart anymore….and the only way is to let go…..

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